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Household dissolution and disposal services

Flexible and experienced disposal solutions in the area of Kiel and surroundings, ready for your requests at any time.

Reliable disposal services

We guarantee affordable prices and excellent service.

Fast and efficient solutions

Your reliable partner for household solutions.

Flexible planning
Expert advice

Your trusted household disposal

In Fixed Disposal, we specialize in flexible home disposal and disposal services in Kiel that ensure affordable prices and exceptional service for all your needs.

Reliable disposal services

Offer flexible and cost-effective home disposal in Kiel and surroundings.

Affordable household resolution

We offer cost-effective disposal services tailored to your specific household and business needs.

Experienced team support

Our experienced team is committed to providing you with the best possible service for your requests.

Kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit für Anfragen und lassen Sie uns Ihnen bei Ihren Entsorgungsbedürfnissen effizient helfen.

Flexible service options